Looking to a more sustainable future

There's no getting around the fact that the logistics and transportation sector is a huge contributor to the world's CO2 emissions. Today, there's so much pressure on those that operate in this industry to meet net-zero targets and invest in solutions that restore the ecosystems already impacted by climate breakdown.

That's why it's on us to take responsibility for a sustainable future, and we're doing that by curating a healthy relationship with all our stakeholders, to both increase our profit share and deliver a real difference to the communities we're closest to.

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Helping to calculate your emissions.

Many shippers aren't aware of the steps they can take to reduce their carbon footprint and move goods more sustainably. That's why we built our very own Carbon Calculator.

The whole calculation follows a 'bottom-up' approach. That means the emissions are determined on the basis of the energy consumed and the fuel used. This contrasts with the traditional top-down approach, in which gCO2e/tkm are multiplied by the freight weight and a distance. The resulting report contains:

  • Well-to-tank and tank-to-wheel emissions
  • Greenhouse gases CO2 and CO2 equivalents
  • Air pollutants SOx, NOx, NMHC and PM10
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Integrating social responsibility and taking action

At Far Logistics we're committed to being a responsible business, both in how we work with our clients but also in terms of how we contribute to the wider community and the world around us. It's important to our employees to work for a socially responsible organisation and our approach therefore reflects our people.

From day one, we've always believed this and actively encourage our people to engage with our wider community. All of our colleagues are allocated one day per year to volunteer for charity work at any charity of their choice.


How we're helping.

Within the Cardinal Partnership we have a charitable trust, with elected committee members, which is responsible for distributing and managing our charitable giving.

Some of the charities we currently support include The Wellspring, a resource centre for homeless people and disadvantaged people. Another exciting project that we're involved with is the Bambisanani Partnership, an international project that brings together school children in the UK and South Africa.

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Need our Support?

We have a dedicated charity trust and we love helping people and good causes. We actively get involved with local, national and international charities. Get in touch if you would like us to help you make a difference.

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